© Deborah Bromley 2020
The Celeb’s Choice continued … Adele turns to hypnotherapy to lose weight With an iconic voice, amazing talent and best-selling music, Adele took the world by storm with her first album release, 19. She is a global superstar but it’s no secret that she has struggled with her weight. Now it seems she has found the right mix of diet, exercise and mind-set. But it’s rumoured she has worked with Susan Hepburn, a Harley Street hypnotherapist, to help her lose her unwanted weight. You can check out Susan’s website here What interests me is the summary of Susan’s approach which says boldly, ‘no calorie counting, no forbidden foods, no faddy menus or deprivation.’ This is exactly the right approach. If you’ve been reading the Slimmer and Healthier book, you’ll know that your mind doesn’t like deprivation. If your mind starts saying, ‘I feel so deprived,’ that spells the end of your weight-loss plans. And I advocate ‘foods that you love and that love you back.’ That means the foods you are used to eating and that make you feel good. Of course, as you progress, you’ll notice you’re making different food choices. Your tastes will evolve, gently and easily. You’ll no longer need to eat certain foods to feel good about yourself. You won’t need food to get you over a tough patch in your life. The ‘feel good’ effects of hypnotherapy are far superior to anything that food can do for you. Hypnotherapy can work at a deep level to make you feel great, inside and out. Mind, body, emotions and spirit. Harley Street hypnotherapy is likely to be out of reach for many people. Even working one-to-one with a hypnotherapist can be daunting. You have to find someone you trust, take time out of your busy schedule and then cover the cost of several sessions. Weight-loss hypnotherapy takes many sessions. I usually say 5 or 6, depending on how much ‘unravelling’ is required. You know what I’m getting at here. For less than the cost of ONE hypnotherapy session, you can enjoy 12 carefully-designed weight-loss tracks and there’s no travelling, or scheduling or deadlines. You can do everything required in the comfort of your own home, in your own time, in private, taking as long as you want. And you’ll experience the power of Hemi-Sync® audio technology to lead you into deep trance states where you experience theta brainwaves, ensuring everyone can gain benefit from this album of weight-loss hypnotherapy. That was my aim when I began this design process with Hemi-Sync®, to make this available to everyone who wanted it, at a cost which would be accessible to the majority of budgets.  If you need a little push to buy the album and book, think of Adele and be curious to find out how this can work for you. (The book is available from all regions of amazon stores, worldwide. It’s in paperback and kindle format, so go to your normal store and search by title - Slimmer and Healthier: Creating a Slim, Healthy Body for Life or search my name.) Back to Blog menu
© Deborah Bromley 2020
The Celeb’s Choice continued … Adele turns to hypnotherapy to lose weight With an iconic voice, amazing talent and best- selling music, Adele took the world by storm with her first album release, 19. She is a global superstar but it’s no secret that she has struggled with her weight. Now it seems she has found the right mix of diet, exercise and mind-set. But it’s rumoured she has worked with Susan Hepburn, a Harley Street hypnotherapist, to help her lose her unwanted weight. You can check out Susan’s website here What interests me is the summary of Susan’s approach which says boldly, ‘no calorie counting, no forbidden foods, no faddy menus or dep- rivation.’ This is exactly the right approach. If you’ve been reading the Slimmer and Healthier  book, you’ll know that your mind doesn’t like deprivation. If your mind starts saying, ‘I feel so deprived,’ that spells the end of your weight-loss plans. And I advocate ‘foods that you love and that love you back.’ That means the foods you are used to eating and that make you feel good. Of course, as you progress, you’ll notice you’re making different food choices. Your tastes will evolve, gently and easily. You’ll no longer need to eat certain foods to feel good about yourself. You won’t need food to get you over a tough patch in your life. The ‘feel good’ effects of hypnotherapy are far superior to anything that food can do for you. Hypnotherapy can work at a deep level to make you feel great, inside and out. Mind, body, emotions and spirit. Harley Street hypnotherapy is likely to be out of reach for many people. Even working one-to-one with a hypnotherapist can be daunting. You have to find someone you trust, take time out of your busy schedule and then cover the cost of several sessions. Weight-loss hypnotherapy takes many sessions. I usually say 5 or 6, depending on how much ‘unravelling’ is required. You know what I’m getting at here. For less than the cost of ONE hypnotherapy session, you can enjoy 12 carefully-designed weight-loss tracks and there’s no travelling, or scheduling or deadlines. You can do everything required in the comfort of your own home, in your own time, in private, taking as long as you want. And you’ll experience the power of Hemi-Sync® audio technology to lead you into deep trance states where you experience theta brainwaves, ensuring everyone can gain benefit from this album of weight-loss hypno- therapy. That was my aim when I began this design process with Hemi-Sync®, to make this available to everyone who wanted it, at a cost which would be accessible to the majority of budgets.  If you need a little push to buy the album and book, think of Adele and be curious to find out how this can work for you. (The book is available from all regions of amazon stores, worldwide. It’s in paperback and kindle format, so go to your normal store and search by title - Slimmer and Healthier: Creating a Slim, Healthy Body for Life or search my name.) Back to Blog menu