© Deborah Bromley 2020
New Year’s Resolutions continued …
Shiny new habits for a new year. I wonder how you feel about that? Allow yourself to explore the emotions
and thoughts that you are having inside. If you feel fired and up and ready for a challenge, that’s all good. If
you feel pleased to get back to your routine and maybe back to work, you can get some order back into your
However, if the idea of new year’s resolutions makes you feel fed up or as if you’ve got a mountain to climb
(again!), please take heart. You are likely suffering from something I call failure fatigue. I coined this phrase in
the book that accompanies the Hemi-Sync® album. It’s an idea that is explored in the Self-Sabotage chapter,
about the effect of success and failure on how you feel about yourself.
“Sometimes the idea of success gives rise to mixed feelings. Success has an exact opposite — failure. If you have
struggled with your weight in the past, it’s likely that you’ve experienced what it feels like to fail. It’s disheartening
when this happens once or twice but it’s not the end of the world. You dust yourself off and try again. However, if
you keep on failing, no matter how hard you try, you’ll wear down your store of that important positive energy
you need to keep on trying. Nobody likes to fail. Giving up is not something that is highly valued in our modern
society. Everywhere you turn in all forms of media you will encounter unrelenting messages about “never giving
up” or “keep on pushing” or “come back fighting.” After a while such phrases cease to be motivating when your
mind can’t relate those messages to your own experiences.
It follows that self-sabotage can also be a result of what we might call failure fatigue. It’s really hard to keep
getting back up and trying again over and over if the end result is still failure. You need to keep your self-respect
intact so the only course open to you is to step away and simply stop trying.”
January, with all its expectation of new starts, new habits, doing things differently, transforming yourself … can
bring on previous January memories of times when you didn’t succeed. Failure fatigue sets in and soon your
natural instinct is to stop trying because it’s less painful to do that.
Reading the companion book is worthwhile because it will help you to understand more about your mind and
your emotions, giving you valuable insights into how you think and feel. You’ll also learn how the 12 tracks have
been designed to dissolve everything that has been stopping you from creating that slim, healthy body you wish
for at the start of each year. I wrote the book because I believe that knowlege is power. When you are well-
informed about what is happening inside you, you have an extra layer of strength to support you on your
Failure fatigue is easily reversed by committing yourself to this program. There’s no need to buy new diet books
or stock up on strange foods or change everything about what you eat. There is no need to take out an expensive
gym membership or to plan to do a 10K run challenge by Easter. Everything that needs to happen to your
behaviours, your habits, the outward ways you live your life, will develop easily, naturally and gently when you
work on your inner world.
It all starts inside. When you get the inside right … it follows that your outside life, every part of it, will fall
naturally into place.
By doing things differently this year and working on the verbally-guided meditations, you’ll also avoid failure
fatigue because you won’t be doing the same old things that didn’t work last year. I also assure you that you’ll feel
that positive mindset taking root inside very quickly. You will feel better from the very first listening.
So that is my recommendation for January 2020. A resolution to forget about past resolutions that didn’t work
and to get right to the heart of what needs to change.
It can be as simple as that.
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