© Deborah Bromley 2020
Saturday 23rd November 2019 continued …
About being good enough …
Can you imagine my feelings as I was waiting to
connect on Skype? I’ll bet you can. And while I had
prepared thoroughly and had also managed to
shave 10 years off my age by clever make-up and
lighting, my anxiety levels were off the scale. My
primary concern? Would I be good enough? And
those two little words say it all. When you stru-
ggle with your sense of self and your body image,
good enough is a difficult mental state to inhabit.
Of course, my anxiety in this case was also
prompted by my heartfelt wish to do justice to
this amazing program that I know will help so
many, many people across the world. This
program is my life’s work, my baby. But in that
moment, I was transported back to uncomfort-
able past memories of times when I believed I
wasn’t good enough because of my body shape.
I had over 30 minutes before my Skype call. What
could I do? The answer lay right in front of me. I
opened up my media player, turned on my
speakers and listened to Track 1, Creating a Slim,
Healthy Body. The opening music and the backing
frequencies had me breathing deeply and letting
go of my worries even before I heard my voice. I
was totally reassured. I listened to those
empowering phrases that begin this journey
towards a slim, healthy future. I continued right
to end, eyes open but deeply relaxed. Then I
checked the clock and found time for 10 minutes
of the Affirmations. By the end, I was in a different
head space. And I felt confident that I could talk
about this program without nerves, or stumbles
or worries about my own performance.
If you check out the interview which is available
via the Hemi-Sync news pages you’ll know how I
was feeling 40 minutes beforehand. It’s rare for
me to get nervous after more than twenty years
of hypnotherapy and EFT (I am always my own
guinea pig and test all my therapeutic interven-
tions on myself over and over). But because this
program is so important to me, that truth hit a
tiny remnant of memory from my past. And that’s
OK. I did my inner work and dissolved it using the
two tracks I used.
All the tools are there and ready for you. They are
powerful and target everything you’ll need to
succeed. Your slim, healthy body will soon reveal
itself and your slim, healthy future awaits.